Eliott Edge
author, artist, and international speaker
3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape
Read the book's Introduction here
10 Outcomes if Our Universe is a Computer Simulation
- What would happen to the human race if we discovered we were in a simulation?
We Already are Artificial Intelligence
- If our universe is a simulation then our consciousness might be computer-generated.
Interview: Douglas Rushkoff & Eliott Edge discuss ‘3 Essays on Virtual Reality’
- Douglas Rushkoff and Eliott Edge talk about living in a simulated world.
Breaking into the Simulated Universe
- Billionaires want to escape the simulation, but is that possible?
How VR Gaming will Wake Us Up to our Fake Worlds
- How culture and ideology are similar to virtual reality.
Why it Matters that You Realize You’re in a Computer Simulation - (See the Medium version here)
- Would advanced beings really destroy their sims if they realized they were in a simulated world?
Human Civilization is our Second Womb for Birthing Transhumans
- The unstated goal of civilization is guided genetic manipulation.
Virtual Tours and the Corona Pandemic
- Why were virtual tours so popular during the 2020 quarantine?
New, Easy Experiments for Testing the Simulation Hypothesis
- On Tom Campbell's 'Testing the Simulation Theory' wave-particle duality experiments.
Yes, We Live in a Simulated Reality. Yes, We are Supposed to Figure that out
- A response to Preston Greene's 'Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? Let’s Not Find Out'