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3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape


The Fenris Wolf vol 9 - Featured


The Quest for Gnosis - Featured






10 Outcomes if Our Universe is a Computer Simulation - Medium

Virtual Tours and the Corona Pandemic - Medium

We Already are Artificial Intelligence - Medium **

New Easy Experiments for Testing the Simulation Hypothesis
 - Medium **

Tokyo’s Psychic VR Lab realizes Terence McKenna’s Dream of sharing our Inner Worlds
 - Medium


Breaking into the Simulated Universe - IEET **


How VR Gaming will wake us up to our Fake Worlds - IEET **


Why it Matters that You Realize You’re in a Computer Simulation - IEET (See the Medium version here) **


Human Civilization is our Second Womb for Birthing Transhumans - Medium **


A Free Education for All the World's People will Save our Species - Medium **





Do we still need film critics? - Medium


True Detective: Night Country is not good - Medium


Infinity Pool and the Infinite Sadness - Medium


Suburban Sasquatch and the Joy of Disaster Darlings - Medium


Oliver Stone's Nixon is still a masterclass in political drama - Medium. 


AMC's Interview with the Vampire truly sucks - Medium 


Hulu's Hellraiser drops the puzzle box - Medium


Don't look Up is just what we need - Medium

Velvet Buzzsaw uses Horror to Skewer Contemporary Art Culture - Medium

From Shock to Awe — one of the best docs in years—follows veterans treating crippling PTSD with psychedelics - Medium


On The Horror and Allure of Hannibal Lecter - Disinfo


Music Against Homophobia - Reality Sandwich






Identity as a Requisite for Violence - Medium

Why Psychedelics Must be Legalized and Normalized: A Patients and Human Rights Argument
 - Medium

Santa Muerte: Love, Sex, Death, and Rebirth in Mexican Folk Religion - Burning House Press

We Need to Talk About How Your "We Need to Talk About" Headline makes You Sound like a Hugely Belittling Hack-Fraud Asshole - Medium

Political Apocalyptic Witchcraft
 - Disinformation

Cornel West has already destroyed it again — This time at Harvard - Disinformation 

LSD & DNA – Francis Crick’s Psychedelic Origins of Life - Disinformation

Alien Abduction & Human BDSM Practice - Medium

A Scatological Argument for Free Will - Medium

Biopsychosocial Technoetics and the 99%
 - Reality Sandwich

Fight for a Free Internet - Reality Sandwich

The Interwebs: Electronic Insanity and Mental Enviornmentalism - Reality Sandwich

The Dead Don’t Die: On “Death” and “Loss” - Medium

Richard Dolan's Transhuman Realpolitik - Medium

Douglas Rushkoff & Eliott Edge on simulated universes, psychedelics, and the book ‘3 Essays on Virtual Reality’ - Medium

A Synchronicity while Revisiting American Psycho en route to Canada - Medium

Anonymous just shared Donald Trump’s Personal Data - Disinformation

New York’s Greatest Tour Guide & Poet, Speed Levitch, is Back! - Disinformation

The Invisible Struggle of Homeless Female Veterans - Disinformation
Artist Maxwell Edge Remixes Labyrinth and NeverEnding Story - Disinformation

Wild Mind of Lucia Love (NSFW) - Disinformation

The X-Men are Sooo Gay - Disinformation

Peace Prize Laureate Launches Campaign to Stop Killer Robots After Winning Ban on Landmines - Disinformation

For those of you who say there are no voices leading America, you need to watch 20 mins of Cornel West - Disinformation

Set Science Free's 200+ PhDs, MDs vs TED Talks - Reality Sandwich


A Future Space Place and Type One Civilizations - Reality Sandwich


Thinking Through Windows on Emotiv Epoc - Reality Sandwich
iVoting - Reality Sandwich


Suing the States - on Alec Loorz and iMatter - Reality Sandwich


Real Life Super Heroes and LARP-like Activism - Reality Sandwich


Rise of the Groundbot Grunts - Reality Sandwich


New "Chi" Particle Discovered at LHC - Reality Sandwich


"I Share Therefore I am" on Kopimism - Reality Sandwich

Anti-pipeline Petition Keystone XL - Reality Sandwich 

ETs and Eisenhower? - Reality Sandwich

Time Control Technology Disclosure? - Reality Sandwich

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