Eliott Edge
author, artist, and international speaker
• 2016 - “How VR Gaming Will Wake Us Up to Our Fake Worlds”. University of Waterloo.
Assigned in Introduction to Digital Media (ENGL293) - Dr. Ehrentraut, Judy.
• 2018 - 3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape. Los Angeles Mission College. Assigned in English 28: Intermediate Reading and Composition (21538-TTH).
• 2020 - “How VR Gaming Will Wake Us Up to Our Fake Worlds”. The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Assigned in Virtual Reality for Society (SCM2201) - Vincent Lam, MA.
• 2016 - Juneja, Manpreet. “Designing Mindscapes: Re-inventing Urban Spaces by Understanding Psychology ofDesign and Philosophy of Heterotopia”. Ontario College of Art and Design University. Master of Design in StrategicForesight and Innovation.•
• 2017 - Hse, Cheryl. “Unconsciousness by Design: Addictive Technologies and the Escape from Freedom”. OntarioCollege of Art and Design University. Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.
• 2017 - Samancıoğlu, Eren. “A Likable Cannibal: Why The Audience Likes Such A Villainous Character As
Hannibal in Bryan Fuller’s TV Show”. Bahcesehir University Department of Social Sciences of Film and
Television. Master of Arts Thesis.
• 2018 - Väätäinen, Otto-Ville. “The Distant Touch”. Aalto University School of Arts and Design Department of
Media. Master of Arts Thesis.
• 2018 - Guimarães, Lucas Vinzon. “A ATENÇÃO DO ESPECTADOR NO FILME EM REALIDADE VIRTUAL: Uma questão para o acesso à narrativa linear”. Universidade Federal Fluminense Instituto de Artes e Comunicação Social – IACS. Bachelor's Thesis.
• 2019 - Dr. Dehaan, Daniel R. “Compositional Possibilities of New Interactive and Immersive Digital Formats”.
Northwestern University. Doctoral Dissertation of Musical Arts.
• 2019 - Dr. Ehrentraut, Judy. “Disentangling the Posthuman: Broadening Perspectives of Human/Machine Mergers
through Inter-relational Subjectivity”. University of Waterloo. Doctoral Dissertation of Philosophy in English.
• 2022 - Dr. Yampolskiy, Roman V. “How to Escape from the Simulation” Computer Science and Engineering University
of Louisville. ResearchGate.